Lightbody Activations Program

 This is the 6th Session within the Lightbody Activation Program. It is not bookable as an individual session.
For information on the Program go here.

Activation and Recalibration

Activates dormant Light Language receptors and recalibrates Metatronic energy flows. This floods the etheric body with Light

Reconnects you more fully to your Oversoul (Higher Self)

Recalibration of 7th dimensional flows and structures is then undertaken to assist you to ground more of your Spirit into you physical body below the ribcage.

What you could experience after your session:

  • Feeling like the ceiling of consciousness is removed

  • Clearer thinking, right and left brain synchronisation, non-linear thought

  • Better dream recall, lucid dreaming, dreaming in dimensions higher than the astral plane

  • More focus, self-confidence and centredness

  • Gentle or sudden openings in psychic or multi-dimensional perceptions

  • More experience of your Mastery and Divinity

  • Alleviation of physical pain. Spontaneous physical, mental or emotional healing

