Spiritual Map of the Soul Reading


 Spiritual Map of the Soul Reading
An adventure of divine discovery

Find your true path in life, realise your full soul potential, conquer your challenges, manifest your talents, achieve your dreams and align your life purpose and mission.


Decode the secrets of the blueprint of your life  hidden within your birth name

A Spiritual Map of the Soul Reading is an accurate, in depth, channelled system of spiritual interpretation that helps you decode the secrets of the blueprint of your life hidden within your birth name and all your names for that matter.

A chart based on the sounds of Ancient Hebrew, contained within your name describes the energies set in place by your soul for this life that create your reality in each moment. This work is based on the Kaballah and is also known as the Spiritual Numerology of Moses. It describes your: karma/challenges, talents, goals/dreams and soul destiny/life purpose. 

When you align with your Soul whispers
and discover your purpose for this lifetime
there is in that moment an intake of breath
and on the out breath comes the release,
the aha, the smile, the laughter and sometimes the tears.

Comes the realisation that there is a plan, a purpose, there is an explanation for all of your experiences, the challenges, why you handle them the way you do and what you are reaching for. I am passionate about the push and pull of life, the why and the how. I believe in ease and knowledge is power.

Spiritual Map of the Soul Reading PRICES

Sessions are conducted over a live online Zoom Video call.
Duration 2 hours.

Prices start at £160 for one person’s Reading and £180 to £230 to include significant relationships.

You will receive the recording of the session within 48 hours.

Within hours of meeting Amanda in 2004 it was clear that she was a very gifted healer, a truly insightful guide and an extremely talented Soul Contract Reader. The Soul Contract Reading blew me away, it was absolutely life-changing.
Over the years I have contacted Amanda regularly for her intuitive advice, spiritual guidance and her deep interpretations of experiences and events in my life. I am always in awe of how consistently accurate she is, and this is rare. She makes me feel “held”, empowered and divinely mentored.
I am living the life of my dreams – feeling like a mighty oak with a countenance of galactic stars – because of my journey with Amanda. We met through a mutual friend of ours when I was at my lowest ebb. My connection with Amanda has lasted for years and she has become a dear friend.
Amanda’s soul contract readings, individual and group divine healing sessions and light body work, steered me back to my gorgeous divine self. Bit by bit layers of fear, trauma and limiting beliefs dissolved. Today, I embrace my gifts and talents, including creative writing, all the more because of her ability to always communicate powerful messages. My family have also gained valuable insight and guidance through their soul contract readings, helping them gain confidence to walk their own divine path.

Benefits of a Spiritual Map of The Soul Reading

Alignment to your Original Divine Blueprint and ultimate Soul Destiny

Shed light on your life purpose, goals and dreams

Identify the challenges you encounter in your life with guidance on how you overcome them

Highlight your key strengths, gifts and talents so you can express them using positive influences

Help you to make informed choices to enhance your life and gain clarity on existing relationships

Empower you to live your life to the fullest and make your dreams a reality

Name Optimisation can also be undertaken to help you achieve your maximum potential in life.

For parents: understanding your child’s soul contract can help you lead them in life.

Baby names: Help and guidance in choosing the optimal name for your child

Create the optimal name for your business

Amanda Kanini-Dyer contact.jpg

Would you like to harness your many talents and gifts?