Lightbody Activations Program

Shatter the illusion of your current reality
and reconnect to your eternal divinity

 Your Light Body is the blueprint of your Soul.

It is the 5th dimensional bridge between our selfs and our physical and energetic bodies which is made up of mind, body, spirit, and emotion.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it; is to RAISE YOUR FREQUENCY and bring in the light

The human experience of feeling limited and separate from Divinity is an illusion. In reality human souls are extensions of the Divine. The purpose of incarnating on Earth and experiencing this limited reality is to expand God Consciousness. This exploration of unconsciousness reached its limit.

As a result of this all the beings on Planet Earth, together with the planet are rising in frequency and consciousness. This process creates uncomfortable symptoms as our bodies absorb the Light and release the separation energies.

It takes an enormous amount of energy to become unconscious
and forget that we are God/Source/All That Is.

This illusion is partially created by etheric structures, devices and programming in our energy fields. The Lightbody Integration work removes these structures and integrates the Higher Light of our Spirit with Grace and Ease.

This Higher Light activates dormant parts of our DNA to eventually turn us into beings of Light. New pathways are cut through our brains creating new ways of thinking and psychic openings. Our heart chakras open multidimensionally to merge with all the other chakras to create our Merkabah (vehicle for Ascension).

This allows connection with and integration of Higher Consciousness in our personalities and bodies. Eventually you may turn to a Being of Light as the Ascension process continues to accelerate and we transition to the next dimensional plane of existence.

The Basic Lightbody Integration work is designed to assist you in this transition process and consists of a progression through different phases:


This Program consists of 6 powerful Activations. The 6 sessions are offered in order and throughout an agreed period of time to allow you to integrate the changes gracefully. Each session is 2 hours long.

These are the activations:

Body Consciousness Realignment

Nephillim Soul Removal

Etheric Crystals and Divinity Threshold Removal

Energetic Separation Structures and Devices

Higher Light integration

Activations and Recalibrations

This next set of Advance Integrations builds on the foundation of the first 6 sessions.

Specialised Integrations


The Lightbody Activations Program Sessions are held on Zoom
from the comfort of your own home. Please allow 2hrs.

£170 per individual session
£960 for the complete Lightbody Activation Program. (Save £60)
Includes 6 sessions and 6 Bonus 1/2 hour follow-up zoom calls between sessions.

Amanda holds a loving and compassionate space where profound healing can occur. My life completely changed after her Lightbody sessions. It was exactly what I needed. I highly recommend her as a healer and a channel
— Amrita
Light body integration helped me take control and charge of my body. I no longer suffer with back, neck , shoulder and leg pains anymore. I no longer feel like I’m fighting with myself mentally, emotionally and physically. I can say I’m learning to understand who I am without the fight with myself and have become my best/closest friend, after a lifetime of feeling like something is wrong with me. I feel reborn at the end of light body integration and I would highly recommended this to anyone that is having difficulty in their ascension journey.
— Nadia Aquart

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