Lightbody Specialised Integrations

 Can only be undertaken once Lightbody Activations Program has been completed
For information on the Program go here.

Higher Dimensional Space Clearing

A Higher Dimensional Space Clearing (HDSC) is the process of clearing the negative energy interference around a physical or energetic space, e.g. a house or the energies of a business, that are blocking the owners energies from moving forward in their spiritual growth or mission here on Earth. The Law of Opposites manifests resistance to us moving forward in consciousness when we are about to make a break through. This takes the form of the Matrix trying to stop us raising consciousness too fast by blocking us when we hit certain threshold levels of consciousness. e.g.

  • A house sale gets held up just when it looks like it was about to go through

  • Lots of barriers are thrown up to moving out of a property

  • A spiritual business starts to suddenly slow down when it was going really well.

  • An individual is cutting a new pathway within the Earthly Matrix designed to bring in new frequencies or a new paradigm and starts to experience a lot of external interference in the form of things slowing down or just not working at all.

A HDSC uses an adaption of the Karmic Matrix Reabsorbtion process on a physical or higher dimensional space to clear out the interference wherever it resides.

Sessions are available online via zoom

3-4hrs: £85 per hour

Can only be undertaken once Lightbody Activations Program has been completed

For information on the Program go here.